Where sports meets esports

Together with the Latvian Basketball Association, Goexanimo was one of the pioneers that showed the world that e-Basketball is something that basketball representatives and associations all over the world should not sleep on! In times when sports leagues all across the world were suffering from pandemic lockdowns, e-Basketball was the remedy that helped the Latvian Basketball Association keep its fans and viewers engaged.


e-Basketball league

10 local

clubs involved


total views

18 days

of air time


of content

Converting real-life sports to the virtual world

In total, Goexanimo organized two full seasons of the Latvian e-Basketball League that featured the ten most popular local basketball clubs that had decided to join the venture and acquire their own group of e-athletes to represent their team on the virtual basketball court. Even well-known local brands such as Pafbet and LMT chipped in by supporting the league as general sponsors with the latter going as far as organizing a show match between local celebrities in order to raise the awareness for the competition even more.